Tips For Furniture Manufacturers To Choose Double-row Slide Rails For Furniture Cabinets

2023-05-19 Views:1340

The double-row slide rails are mostly installed on the cabinet, and the main function is to use it in both directions. It is a hardware product that is currently used in the product design of many furniture manufacturers. The overall quality of the double row slides affects the particular composition of the cabinet as a whole. Many fixture manufacturers do not know enough about the workmanship of double-row slide rails, so in the process of purchasing double-row slide rails, they lack a lot of slide rail knowledge, which has a great impact. furniture slide

For the purchase of double-row slides, many people just buy better products at the lowest price. In the entire market, every product is impossible. The quality of the double-row slides is proportional to the starting price. Therefore, the quality of the slide rail depends on the following aspects. The load-bearing capacity and flexibility of the slide. The track positioning and shock absorption device of the double-row slide rail, as well as the reliability of the double-row slide rail manufacturer's brand. A high-quality slide manufacturer is more reliable in either respect. Therefore, purchasing furniture hardware such as double-row slide rails is also a matter of care.