The Most Commonly Used Is The Steel Ball Slide!

2023-05-19 Views:1300

The steel ball slide is its main force. The most commonly used is the steel ball slide, so we have to introduce the common types of steel ball slides. If it is divided by the number of sections, it can be divided into two categories: two-section slide rails and three-section slide rails. If it is divided according to the stretching length, it can be divided into non-stretchable, full stretched, and 3/4 stretched; if it is divided according to the installation method, it can be divided into top-mounted and side-mounted; If it is divided according to the degree of force, it can be divided into light rail, medium slide and heavy slide; if it is divided by material, it can be divided into stainless steel slide and cold-rolled iron slide; if it is divided by color, it can be divided into Divided into white slide rails, black slide rails, colorful slide rails; if they are divided according to the application range, they can be divided into cabinet door type (such as dressing mirror slide rails, TV slide rails, etc.), basket type (such as high-foot slide rails), Drawers (like keyboard shelf slides); etc.